Website monetization with cryptocurrency mining
I work for JSEcoin and we are doing a ask me anything video session next week and we would like to get some questions from webmasters and digital marketers.

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If you have anything you would like to know about monetizing website traffic with cryptocurrency mining then please ask on this thread and we will answer both here and in the video.

Thank you.

I'm looking for trustful web site mining can someone give me a hand

CoinHive it's the one service which I used only 2 days (not recommended). I found the browser getting hanged and user unable to surf content because I of the underground mining.

CoinHive it's the one service which I used only 2 days (not recommended). I found the browser getting hanged and user unable to surf content because I of the underground mining.
You may not have set the appropriate amount of CPU usage for the miner to use, or set it too high.

The JSEcoin project sounds promising. I tried to integrate it in my website and let it work for 2 hours and was able to see in the Javascript console that it was constantly calculating and communicating with the server. But in my account I still see that there are "0 hashes" found for the site ID / sub ID that I used. It only shows me "uniques" and "hits" but no "hashes" although the script was running for hours without interruption. What's wrong here?

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